Innovative lithium-ion cell testing at Voltavision.

Our accredited test laboratories offer a wide range of clamping and contacting options for lithium-ion cells of any design and size. We have over 1,500 cell test channels distributed over more than 120 test chambers available to thoroughly test your OUTs – whether normatively or according to your individual specifications.

You can count on over 10 years of testing experience.

Test your prototypes during the development phase or have them tested for durability and performance. Our testing experts provide you with comprehensive advice and bespoke test reports containing conclusive measurement data. As a specialised testing laboratory with over 10 years' experience, we know what is important and will find a suitable solution even for complex specifications.

  • Large capacities

    Over 1,500 test channels at up to ±3.6 kA

  • Fast implementation

    Thanks to short decision-making paths

  • Certified quality

    in accordance with applicable standards

  • Experienced partner

    Battery testing laboratory since 2011

  • Quality results

    Valid, conclusive, reproducible

  • Comprehensive advice

    From real testing specialists

Performance Data

With more than 100 test chambers available for cells, we are almost always up to speed when it comes to your testing projects.

  • 1,500+ cell test channels

  • Controllable to the correct temperature from -40°C to +180°C

  • Currents from 5 to 1,800 A

  • Interfaces for additional measurements, etc.


A test stand monitor tracks the redundant voltage and temperature measurement systems and by doing so ensures compliance with the safety limits for your cells. It detects possible breakdown scenarios and initiates automated countermeasures such as nitrogen flushing, forced exhaust air and even water cooling.

Multiple Assignment

We can test multiple cells at the same time in our cell test chambers. This allows us to test OUTs in parallel with little effort – and in some cases independently.

Cell Types

Whether prismatic, pouch or round cell – we test them all, regardless of format, size and performance class. Our flexible cell contacting systems make it possible.

Hi, I’m Lukas. How can I help you?

Regardless of whether you are already sure that you would like Voltavision to be your cell testing partner or whether you would like to clarify further details first, I will be happy to answer your questions. Just contact me directly. I look forward to solving your problems!

Lukas Akeme

Your cell testing specialist

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