Practical laboratory equipment for the improved handling of DUTs.
The many small steps involved in setting up and dismantling energy storage test benches are time-consuming and laborious. Our Voltaframe and Voltalore laboratory equipment products help to simplify handling DUTs and organise the activities in the test environment - for shorter set-up and conversion phases and more efficiency and convenience in routine testing.
Like all our products, our laboratory equipment for handling DUTs has been developed in our own test operations and continuously tested and refined. The basis for this was formed by our experience and feedback gained from use under live conditions. In the meantime, our products simplify routine laboratory work in test centres all over Europe.
More ergonomics. Less time wasted.
Simplify the safe transport of DUTs and move even heavy and bulky test objects from A to B without any major effort. Integrate DUTs into test stands more easily – with a frame system adapted to the test chamber that positions your DUTs perfectly in the chamber.
Reduce the amount of time-consuming effort needed to introduce DUTs into the test chamber to a minimum, while simultaneously ensuring that your measurement data is recorded reliably and in consistently high quality.
Acceleration of transport and set-up
Simple, smart functionality
In line with your specifications
Equipped according to your ideas
Sure handling
Of sensitive and expensive DUTs
From the test laboratory, for the test laboratory
Proven quality
In use all over Europe
Products that make routine testing easier
We manufacture our laboratory equipment to match your individual specifications exactly, for the greatest possible benefit to you.
Positioning Aid
- Position your OUTs perfectly
- Made to your exact measurements
- Inserted exactly at the calibrated position
Transport trolley for OUTs
- Convenient transport
- Optional equipment, e.g., for tools
- Manoeuvrable and robust
Hi, I’m Marvin. How may I assist you?
At Voltavision, we have gained a great deal of experience in the handling of test specimens. Whether you are interested in our existing solutions or have new ideas for everyday testing: Please feel free to contact me directly and without obligation. I look forward to hearing from you!
Marvin Leitmann
Your product development specialist